Monday, March 19, 2018

Untitled Misery

Sometimes i feel so hopeless
i feel the guilt creeping to my veins
"the guilt" of being understanding
"the guilt" of being soft hearted

Sometimes i just want to scream
scream till i run out of breath
"scream" the pain of being misjudged
"the pain" of getting misunderstood

Sometimes i just want to quit
to quit from everything
"everything" that is causing me pain
"pain" that i can't get rid off

But i can't,
life is still meaningful
"life" that someone still loves you
"loves you" just for who you are

Friday, March 16, 2018

TUTORIAL: How to Move On

Easy to say, hard to do. But in time, its worth it.

1.  Get mad
2. Scream it all
3. Cry it all out
4.Miss him
5. Get rid of everything he gave
6. Get erase all of your pictures together
7. block all his social media and delete his contact number
8. eat everything you like
9. Forgive, but don't forget the lessons
10. Acceptance, accept the fact that he is over you
11.Love yourself more
12. accept your flaws and improve yourself, not for him or anyone else but for yourself.
13.Travel all you want
14.Be with your friends, and have fun
15. But mostly don't rush everything, if you still can't move on take your time and don't rush yourself to fall inlove again, because it might fail.

To be honest we all have our ways on coping up with our heart breaks, and we have our own way of moving on. But the best thing you can do is to love yourself and don't pressure yourself finding someone to love, because everything takes time and when its time you have to risk for it, if it didn't work, try again. :) Life is full of suprises. Just don't give up on life and continue on loving maybe not in a romantic way, but still love your self, your friends, and family.

Monday, March 12, 2018


Hi i am Miana Marie, 16 yrs old, currently studying at AMA East Rizal.
I recently moved up from Sta Elena High School, where my journey as a teenager started. 
After i graduated from Parang Elementary, i always wanted to be in Sta Elena High, and tada! i've enrolled there and the journey begins. I still remember the first time i stepped inside SEHS (Sta Elena High School) i was so excited, because why not i've always dreamed of studying there. Some says the school policy is too strict, somehow for me its not because i never violated any rule, except for being late. Also Sta Elena has that line that says "Home of the Champions" who doesn't want to be part of that, right? 

Grade 7 Parsley, my first section i don't remember everything but i do remember being teased to my crush and to my close guy friend. Then i have 4 really close friends we always go home together since we all have the same way home. 
Grade 8 Tindalo, for me this is my most memorable actually. I experienced a lot of first time here. My first cutting classes, first time to be caught playing langit lupa inside the class room, my first time seeing a shadow inside our classroom but there was no one inside, my first time of being inlove, and first heart break. Actually i wasn't really the type of student who study harder than hard, but i do manage to pass. And yes, 8th grade was my first time being inlove and first heart break. But it thought me a lot of things even though he was my first love, i learned a lot. Also meeting my new set of friends called tropang ubebe they made my whole school year fun. They taught me to have a lot of patience and in my journey with my first love was like a roller coaster, there's a lot of ups and downs but we both make it and survived our relationship for 2 years but things need to come to an end. But at least he made me happy.
Grade 9 Netherlands, for the first time i was put in section 1, though section 1 of illustration. I learned a lot of things especially the leadership, i don't know maybe i always had that leadership i just needed to be pushed. 9 Netherlands was lit, they're fun to be with, we all get along but there is no perfect section sometimes we had fights but we worked it out. I remember joining the SSG or Student Supreme Government, i was Matrix's Treasurer, but i didn't won. But thats fine because not everything you desire will be yours.
Gr10 Lazurite, my last section in Sta Elena High School, my final stage as a junior high school student. Being with lazurite made me realize that i can use the leadership i learned when i was in 9th grade and it was my first time being in top 5 in my class. I don't know maybe the hard work was ll worth it. Everything i learned in my 9th grade journey paid off in my 10th grade. Lazurite taught me that not everyone will understand you and not all of your friends will stay, some will leave just because she can't have what you had. 

I am proud to be part of SEHS. I am proud that i finished my Junior High School Journey there.
Sta Elena High School will always be a part of my life,Why? because i learned a lot there, not just academically but also a lifetime lessons.


by: Miana Marie Guevara

Why do i care?
Maybe because i like you
Why do i feel this way?
Maybe because you stared a little too long.
Why do i crave for your presence
Maybe because you're nice

I don't know
I can't stop
I don't want to stop but,
I need to

Why? maybe because i can't risk you
Why? maybe i can't let myself hurt you
Why? maybe i can't let you be "one of them"
why? maybe because i like you

No, i can't love you
Not because you're not enough
It's because you're a little too much
I can't risk you.



by: Miana Marie Guevara

I like you
Your eyes,
Your smile,
Your dimples,

You are the reason i stayed up late at night,
You make my heart skip a beat,
You make me nervous when you come around,
You're all that i see,

and every time i remember her,
i can't help but to get hurt.
i honestly don't know why,
maybe because she never really gave you a chance,

but i'm not her,
i can't be her,
i will always be me,
but unlike her,
i can love you unconditionally.

Thursday, March 1, 2018


When i started reading I Love You Since 1892, i was so hopeless. My heart is broken, i can't seems to accept my recent heart break, that's why i looked for something i could do for awhile to get my mind off of my recent pain. That's when i saw ILYS1892.

ILYS1892 is written by undeniably gorgeous a filipina wattpad writer. It was written on June 01 2016 and finished on april 27 2017.

Carmela, the main character experienced a lot of things especially she lived as her great grandmother's sister, Carmelita. She learned everything about Carmelita and her timeline which is Year 1892. They don't have so much in common, but they're totally opposite. Carmela fell for Juanito, Carmelita was inlove with Juanito but it was one sided love. So Carmelita decided to end her life and that gives carmela a mission. That mission was to keep Juanito alive. She did. But she fell inlove fore him, so does Juanito. But they don't belong to the same timeline. Carmela fought for juanito so does him. She always remind juanito to stay alive. They got into a lot of trouble, juanito almost died many times. Carmela proved that love knows no age. And Juanito showed that love is worth living for. They both showed that love is worth risking for. Also the story made me realized that freedom is important, since the story was dated back to 1892, that time revolutions started to bloom. The story tells a lot of types of love, like, love for the country, love for family, love for someone, also it tells that friendship is important and risking for the one you love is not a weakness, it is strength.

Moral lesson of the story: in love, you need to have the courage to risk everything you have for the person you love.Loyalty and trust is important in every friendship, relationship and family.
Loving your friend, siblings, your family and a guy has a lot of sacrificing. 
Sometimes a friend can turn its back to you for one person he/she loves.
A person who is so thirsty to power would do anything to bring you down, they can betray you just to stay powerful.
Your parents and sister can die for you just to protect you.
Faith in times of crisis would help.
ILYS1892 taught me a lot of things, it hits me that somehow my problem is small compare to others. There are people that are dying just to fight for what they believe. Also Family is important, don't take everyone for granted because sometimes they're taken from us when we least expected it.